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Directory Structure

Understanding the directory structure of Serapha is crucial for efficient development. Here's a detailed breakdown of each directory and its purpose:

Root Level

  • .env - Environment configuration file.
  • .env.example - Example environment configuration file.
  • composer.json - Composer configuration file.
  • - Project documentation file.


This directory contains the application-specific code.

  • Config - Configuration files.
    • - Main application configuration file.
  • Controller - Controllers handle the HTTP requests and generate responses.
  • Helper - Helper functions and utilities.
  • Language - Language files for internationalization (i18n).
  • Middleware - Middleware for request processing.
  • Model - Models for database interactions.
  • Provider - Service providers for dependency injection.
  • Route - Routing definitions.
    • routes.php - Defines all web routes.
  • Service - Application services.
    • UserService.php - Example service file.
  • View - Views for rendering HTML.


This directory contains database-related files.

  • migrations - Database migrations.
  • phinx.php - Phinx configuration file for database migrations.
  • seeds - Database seeders.


The install directory is optional and allows the customization of a web-based UI for installation purposes. It executes migrations and seeds using Phinx. This directory can be removed if not needed.

  • api.php - Handles API requests related to the installation.
  • include - Core installation logic.
    • Core.php - Core installer functions.
    • class - Installer classes.
      • API.php - API handling for the installer.
      • Installer.php - Main installation logic.
      • Language.php - Language handling for the installer.
      • ProcessPhinx.php - Phinx process handling.
  • index.php - Entry file for the installer.
  • language - Language files specific to the installer.
  • template - Source files for the installation UI.


This directory contains publicly accessible files, such as the web server's document root.

  • index.php - Application entry file.
  • asset - Public assets (CSS, JS, Images).


This directory contains files for storage, such as uploads and logs.

  • cache - Cached files.
  • log - Log files.
  • upload - Uploaded files.


Each directory and file in the Serapha framework serves a specific purpose, making the structure modular and organized.

  • app contains all the application-specific code.
  • database deals with database operations, migrations, and seeders.
  • install provides an optional, customizable web-based installation UI.
  • public is the web-accessible directory containing entry points and assets.
  • storage handles cached files, logs, and uploads.

Understanding this structure helps in efficient navigation and management of your Serapha application.