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Controllers in Serapha handle HTTP requests and generate responses. They act as the intermediary between the client and the backend logic.

Basic Structure

Controller Class

The base Controller class in Serapha provides common functionalities that all controllers will utilize, such as rendering templates, database interactions, and internationalization. This class comes with the framework and does not require modification from the user.

BaseController Class

You can extend the Controller class to create your own base controller, adding global configurations or other functionalities that you want to be available to all controllers.

namespace App\Controller;

use Serapha\Controller\Controller;
use carry0987\Config\Config as GlobalConfig;
use carry0987\Redis\RedisTool;

abstract class BaseController extends Controller
protected GlobalConfig $config;

public function __construct(RedisTool $redisTool)
// Setup template configurations
'template_dir' => dirname(__DIR__).'/View',
'cache_dir' => dirname(__DIR__, 2).'/storage/cache/template',
'auto_update' => true

// Set the global configuration
$this->config = new GlobalConfig($this->sanite->getConnection());
'web_config' => 1

// Set the global data for Template
'config' => $this->config->getConfig('web_config')

Example Controllers


The HomeController handles the homepage requests and renders the main view.

namespace App\Controller;

class HomeController extends BaseController
public function index()
$data = [
'hello' => 'Hello, World!'

$this->template->render(['header_common.html', 'view_index.html', 'footer_common.html'], $data);

In this example, the index method prepares the data and renders the view using the template engine.


The UserController provides basic operations for user management.

namespace App\Controller;

use Serapha\Service\ServiceLocator;
use Serapha\Routing\Response;
use App\Service\UserService;

class UserController extends BaseController
private Response $response;
private UserService $userService;

public function __construct(Response $response)
// Dependencies are injected automatically
$this->response = $response;
$this->userService = ServiceLocator::get(UserService::class);

public function show(string|int $id)
$user = $this->userService->getUserProfile((int) $id);
$data = ['user' => $user];

$this->template->render(['header_common.html', 'view_user.html', 'footer_common.html'], $data);

In this example, the show method fetches user data and renders the user view.

Dependency Injection

Serapha supports Dependency Injection (DI), which means you can automatically resolve dependencies in your controllers. For example, Response are injected automatically in the UserController class:

public function __construct(Response $response)
$this->response = $response;
$this->userService = ServiceLocator::get(UserService::class);

By using controllers in Serapha, you can efficiently manage your application's HTTP requests and responses, rendering views or sending JSON data as needed.